Laidlaw Centre for
 Church Leadership

Laidlaw Centre for Church Leadership was established to help Aotearoa’s church leaders navigate the challenges of a rapidly changing landscape.

An increasingly polarised and complex world needs healthy churches which embody the good news of the Gospel more than ever.

The Church herself needs transformative and resilient leaders who can discern the times and contexts they lead in and equip their congregations to be active participants in God’s renewing work in the world. Healthy leaders are committed to their own growth for the sake of the communities they serve, both in and beyond the Church.

They recognise that their best leadership comes in the company of others. Laidlaw Centre for Church Leadership (CfCL) was established in response to these genuine needs in the Church today. CfCL's heart is to bless, love and serve as Jesus did.

We believe healthy church leaders cultivate healthy churches, that in turn undertake the work of the Gospel in their communities. CfCL is committed to holistically supporting, resourcing and growing leaders to lead in ways that increase the Church's faithfulness and fruitfulness in ministry and mission in Aotearoa.

Laidlaw College

Laidlaw College has been resourcing robust Biblically engaged Christian life, ministry, and mission since 1922.

At the heart of Laidlaw's world-class theological education and research is a vision to see the Church and her leaders shaped by love, compelled and informed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ to renew their communities with a faith as intelligent as it is courageous.

CfCL stands firmly in this Laidlaw story, and is thus well equipped to support, resource, and grow church leaders to serve in ways that deepen the Church's faithfulness and stimulate discipleship in Aotearoa.

Find out more about Laidlaw  →

Our Team

The Laidlaw CfCL team are experienced practitioners, and share a passion for the building up of the Church, and equipping Christian leaders. They are supported by a growing network of pastors, researchers, and network leaders.


Clint Ussher


Ness Johnson


Christine Harding


Karen Kemp


Graeme Flett


Maja Whitaker


Lui Ponifasio


Amy Page Whiting


Jonathan Dove


Steve Graham