Healthy leaders cultivate healthy churches

Laidlaw Centre for Church Leadership

Laidlaw Centre for Church Leadership exists to bless, love, and serve the Church of Aotearoa New Zealand by providing its leaders with the tools, support and guidance they need to flourish.

How we serve the Church


Coaching for church leaders


Resourcing for church health and discipleship


Growing a supportive ecosystem with and for church leaders


Support the growth of pastoral leadership pathways

CfCL’s Coaching Program

At CfCL we journey alongside church leaders to support them and respond to their particular needs on an individual basis, equipping and empowering them to better serve God, their families, churches and communities.To achieve this, we advocate for 1:1 coaching — a regular conversation with a trained professional who comes from their own lived ministerial background. Coaching sessions are focussed, sustained, and purposeful; with the ultimate goal of equipping leaders with the tools they need to lead confidently through the complexities of their role.
Find out about coaching  →
Jeremiah 3:15

Then I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will lead you with knowledge and understanding